Hello and welcome back to the Transgender Exodus. I must apologize for my extended absence; there has just been so much going on lately, and to be honest, I had somewhat forgotten about this journal. I will try my best not to let that happen again!
Texas is just a tad toasty today. Even with my A/C cranked, I still need a fan to avoid breaking out in a sweat... YUCK! I was planning to go back to 1851 Club tonight; I have not been there in about a year, but I have really wanted to get back there for a while now. I doubt I will make it tonight though! The last thing anyone needs is to see the sweaty mess in makeup that I would inevitably be by the time I even got to the club! Oh well.
I think that I might wait until I've achieved some respectable weight loss now that I think about it. Internally, my goal has been to be rid of my horrendous midsection by Halloween, which would then be a great time for a "Grand Re-Entrance on the Scene" for a new slimmer (and as always, sexy) Kate. Lord knows, I'm male looking enough as it is - all the extra weight (in all the wrong places) leaves absolutely no illusion of femininity. Yes, that will be my goal!
The other plus about this approach is that I am finally starting to see some "results" in the boob area :) [blush], so maybe by then I can truly go "au naturelle." I hate wearing forms... so... fake feeling.
Not much else to report these days, so I will say adieu for now. I do have a couple more intimate posts brewing, and I hope that I will be able to have them ready soon. In the mean time, I promise to keep in touch! (You probably shouldn't believe me... I'm really bad at it)
Girl Power!! :)