Monday, August 8, 2011

And She Fumbles On

I feel so terribly about my inattention to this blog over the last few weeks.  It is not for lack of things to write.  There has been so much, in fact, that when I sit down to work I cannot fathom how to capture it all.  It does not help matters that my time has been otherwise and quite joyously occupied by my daughters’ “summer stay” in Texas.  I so cherish them, but wow, having so many people around sure has a way of tuckering me out!

Their stay came to an end yesterday, and more than ever before; taking them home was heart wrenching.  I cried on and off all day, and in truth, still feel tears welling up when I realize they are not here today.  I must pause to apologize to the rest of my loved ones for my erratic and moody behavior yesterday.  I know I was quite the bitch, and I am sorry.  I will be sure to make up for that in the one way I know best… cooking. ;)

My daughters are two of the most amazing people I know.  I love them immensely, and what is more, I respect who they are as people.  Even my ten year old is more evolved and better educated than many of the people I encounter in daily life.  I am so proud of them, and I was very sad to see them go.

On a positive note, I will hopefully be able to get back into a regular writing cycle again… after, of course, I get about a week of sleep!

Take care, friends!

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